Hard Work and Dedication to Excellence Paved my Path to Success
Looking to buy or sell a home in Santa Clarita, California? Click here to perform a full home search, or if you're thinking of selling your home, click here for a FREE Home Price Evaluation so you know what buyers will pay for your home in today's market. You may also call us at (661) 259-1100 for a FREE home buying or selling consultation to answer any of your real estate questions.
My journey with real estate started when I was living in Utah and had gotten laid off while working as a welder. My father initially asked if I wanted to sell insurance, but I bluffed and said that nobody likes an insurance agent. He then suggested I get into real estate, and that is when I realized I had found what I was searching for.
I knew after the first week in the business that I did not want to be average. I knew there was a lot more that I could do with a career in real estate. I eventually met Mike Ferry in 1987 and then joined his coaching team in 1995. It's something that you pay an arm and a leg for, but it helps keep your head in the ballgame. It helps you understand market changes and ways to react to them. No matter how long you've been in real estate, I don't think there is any way to know it all.
I needed to know my numbers when I started, and after learning about net profit, it completely changed the way I went about business in real estate. I had to look at real estate as a business, and how I could utilize my brand to maximize profit.
Success has come to me because I have built my sphere of influence and work it pretty hard to find new leads. I also don't attach myself to the results. One thing I do to keep in touch with clients is throw a Thanksgiving party where I can keep in touch with my client base to get referrals and simply say 'hello' to old friends.
After 38 years in the business, I still look forward to coaching and helping other people grow their companies. I also like to assist people on an individual basis by aiding them in finding homes or getting their properties sold.
The beautiful thing about real estate are the tremendous opportunities it provides to people. It provided me with a great job and lifestyle, and it has helped my clients by providing them with great places to live, work, and follow their own dreams. I get up everyday to help people, have fun, and enjoy my life while doing it.
When to Hire a Professional to Repair Your Home
Looking to buy or sell a home in Santa Clarita, California? Click here to perform a full home search, or if you're thinking of selling your home, click here for a FREE Home Price Evaluation so you know what buyers will pay for your home in today's market. You may also call us at (661) 259-1100 for a FREE home buying or selling consultation to answer any of your real estate questions.
Should You Hire a Professional?
With spring rapidly approaching here in Santa Clarita, most home sellers are probably wondering whether or not they should make certain renovations. If you're handy with repairs it is probably an easy decision to make, but most people aren't well-versed in home repair.To start, make a list of necessary repairs. When your list is completed, determine how many things you will be able to handle by yourself. This will probably include painting, patching, and a lot of cleaning.
You have to keep in mind that time is running out. Homes will be hopping onto the market very soon, and you do not want your home to be under repair during the spring rush. If you cannot finish a repair on time, then you probably need to consider hiring someone.
- You also need to keep in mind what you're capable of doing. Can you climb ladders or do heavy lifting? In some instances it will probably be cheaper and more efficient to hire a professional, but it all depends on your skills and what you're comfortable doing by yourself.
Making home repairs on your own property can be very gratifying, but for some people it can be very stressful and uncomfortable. Sometimes it just comes down to what type of person you are. If you can tackle these sort of projects, then I would suggest you go ahead and make those repairs.
- However, as the spring market is rapidly approaching, just be sure that these repairs are manageable. Don't start a project now that you can't finish until August. Be forward-thinking about your repairs.
Also, if you need help staging, listing, marketing, or selling your home, allow me to be your source for real estate success this spring in Santa Clarita. You can reach me at (661) 259-1100 or at (818) 898-2255.
Santa Clarita California Real Estate Market Update January 2014
Click here to find out what your home is worth or to search all area homes for sale.
Happy New Year! The real estate market was in a frenzy last year; so much was going on. You might be wondering if that will continue in to 2014.
The good news is the market is beginning to calm. Prices are increasing still, but not as dramatically as they did in 2013. In fact, from May of 2012 to May of 2013 the average increase in price was about 30%. This year we only expect a 6% increase. We ended the year with the average sales prices of $406,000 and expect it to rise to about $432,000.
What about interest rates? We experienced some phenomenally low rates over the past 12 months. Unfortunately, those rates couldn't last forever. Experts are predicting rates to hit 5% and possibly even higher in the 2014 real estate market. This makes now the best time to buy. Borrowing money is becoming more expensive everyday. Don't wait.
We expect to see a lot of move up buyers in the market. Homeowners now have equity and they can move into larger homes.
And finally, unemployment still plays a role in our market. In the state of California, unemployment is at 8.5% which is a decrease from the 12.5% we saw in 2009. As employment levels continue to improve, we hope the market will improve as well.
If you have any questions about the market or your next real estate move, please give me a call today. Thanks for watching!
Reference: LA Daily News (http://www.dailynews.com)
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